When you are ready to open your virtual courtroom, a few minutes before the hearing time, log on to www.Court-Solutions.com (with your email address and password) from anywhere.
Then, click "Open Hearing Dashboard" (the button is bright orange and on the upper left side of the screen).
Next, Judges have two ways to dial- in. If you have received a FastAccess for Judges phone number from us, dial that phone number from a pre-registered phone. You will not need to enter any codes.
If you do not have a FastAccess for Judges number, or are dialing in from a phone other than a pre-registered one, call our main access number, +1.646.760.4600, and enter the following numbers when prompted:
- Your 10- digit registered cell phone number, or your specially provided 10- digit identification number.
- Your 6- digit secure personal identification number (PIN), which you can find on your Homepage when you log into your account.
If you don’t have a computer or tablet available at the time of the call, you will have a great call experience, but you won’t have access to all of the state-of-the-art CourtSolutions call controls.
It is important to know that before you open the line, participants will hear hold music. After you dial- in and before you start speaking, participants will hear silence. When you open the line, you may want to announce that you have opened the line so that you remind participants that they have joined the call and that the hearing is going to start.
The CourtSolutions Team-Raising The Bar For Court Communications