When you receive an approved reservation, the email will contain a one-touch dial in link. This is compatible with most smartphones.
Alternatively, you can create a one-touch dial-in contact on your mobile phone and use it to dial- in each time:
Step 1: Create a new contact on your mobile phone. Call it CourtSolutions.
Step 2: In the phone number field, under your CourtSolutions contact, you will enter: the dial-in number, your cell phone number, and your secure PIN.
Step 3: Please note the appropriate format includes: 2 commas between each of the 3 numbers (Dial-In, Cell, Pin) and a # sign after BOTH your cell number and your PIN.
Here is an example:
CourtSolutions-Quick Dial-In:
16467604600,,2125551212#,,123456# --- this is our dial in number, the cell phone number you have established in your account, and your CourtSolutions’ PIN number.
CourtSolutions-Raising The Bar For Court Communications